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Home » 5 Tips to Help Employees Prioritize Their Health and Wellness During the Holidays 

5 Tips to Help Employees Prioritize Their Health and Wellness During the Holidays 

As an HR professional, you already know how stressful the end of the year can be. Aside from wrapping up work responsibilities and planning for next year, your employees are also swamped with personal tasks that come with the season. Whether it’s holiday shopping, planning travel, or hosting family gatherings – all the while being tempted by decadent food and drinks – it’s no wonder that many of your employees’ commitment to their personal health and wellness will waver during this time of the year. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way.   

Make this the year you help your employees stay on track with their health and wellness goals while still ensuring they can enjoy the fun and festivities of the holiday season. Check out our 5 tips that you can implement to ensure you are supporting your employees’ commitment to health and wellness during the holiday season. 

1. Encourage Them to Move! 

Move their bodies, that is… Encourage employees to take a few minutes during the workday, or an extended break, to stroll their neighborhood looking at holiday decorations or to meet up with a friend for a lunchtime workout class. Suggesting something fun and physical can help them remember to embrace active movement while pairing it with some festive holiday activities.  

2. Promote Work-Life Balance  

Let’s face it – your employees have a lot on their plates. Use this time to make sure they’re taking any PTO that might still be lingering (especially if your company offers unlimited PTO!) Take pride in reminding employees about the importance of setting personal limits and not overdoing it. Promoting a healthy work-life balance will only lead to a happier, more productive team for years to come. 

3. Eat, Drink, and Be Merry  

That wine and cheese basket at the holiday party or those sugar cookies your company’s favorite vendor sent might seem tempting but be sure to provide your employees with nutrient-rich options to munch on in the office as well. Simply providing a veggie platter for the next company gathering can make a big difference in promoting employee health and wellness. It’s also a great time to remind employees that balance is key, especially during this time of year. 

4. Be Supportive 

While many employees may love the holiday season, there are others who may feel completely opposite. Remember to be empathetic and kind to those employees who may be having a hard time this holiday season. Sending regular email reminders about the EAP or mental health services your organization provides can be very helpful for those employees who may be silently struggling. Providing support to employees who need it will go a long way towards promoting good cheer far into the New Year.   

5. Lead by Example 

It is common to feel stressed during the holidays, especially with the added task of checking in with your employees. Don’t forget to take some time for yourself to unwind by doing something for YOU. Whether that’s cooking your favorite meal and savoring what you love most about it, reading or meditating, or listening to your favorite podcast – acknowledge it’s okay (even essential!) to dedicate time for yourself and in turn, making sure your employees do the same. If your employees see you doing the things you are encouraging them to do, it will make it easier for them to also commit to their health and wellness. 

You (and your employees) can still experience the joy of the season while also working to be the best version of yourselves by striving to maintain healthy habits during the holiday season. Remember the best gift you can yourself (and others) is the gift of health and wellness. 

Want to create a health and wellness strategy for your organization but not sure where to start? We can help! Reach out to us to learn more about our personalized, holistic approach to wellness and let’s work together to make this upcoming year the healthiest yet – for you and your employees.