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Work with our National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaches to learn the value of positive self-talk, draw from personal challenges and successes, and identify what works best for you ultimately providing a foundation for impactful behavioral changes.


Work with our National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaches to learn the value of positive self-talk, draw from personal challenges and successes, and identify what works best for you ultimately providing a foundation for impactful behavioral changes.

2023 Coaching Stats

Coaching Programs

Health and wellness shouldn’t be complicated. Health coaching sessions keep it simple by providing an extra boost of nonjudgmental and confidential encouragement as you work towards balancing your physical, mental, emotional, and financial well-being. 

With advanced education, our National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaches follow an evidence-based approach by employing positive psychology, SMART goal setting, and other behavioral approaches to cultivate members’ self-confidence and self-efficacy. Coaches connect with members via email, phone, and video in English or Spanish. 


Through the UFit coaching program, participants will commit to an exercise routine, maximize physical activity alongside nutrition, learn about the benefits of taking ‘off days,’ learn how to move past an exercise plateau, and identify what may impact performance.


Through the UFuel coaching program, participants will build a healthy plate at home and away, strategically meal plan, learn about what nutrients to maximize and minimize, select healthy food choices to aid in workout recovery, and learn about nutrition tips to help manage health conditions.


Through the URest coaching program, participants will learn about the physical and emotional impact of chronic sleep loss, acquire skills to improve both the quantity and quality of sleep, create an optimal sleep schedule and bedtime routine, determine what foods to avoid prior to bedtime, and practice mindfulness to calm the mind. 


Through the UPlusOne coaching program, participants will learn the importance of prenatal screenings, gain nutritional tips for mom and baby, receive ongoing support for the expecting parent, maintain a regular exercise routine, navigate physical and emotional changes, and learn what to expect after childbirth. 


Through the UBalance coaching program, participants will learn about the physical and emotional impact of chronic stress, identify and manage triggers, engage in exercise and self-care, and practice mindfulness and deep breathing to calm the mind.


Through the UCents coaching program, participants will develop skills for effective budgeting, learn debt reduction tips, set short-term and long-term financial goals, and strategize future financial planning.


Through the UPrevent coaching program, participants will reduce the risk of different cancers through lifestyle changes, receive exercise recommendations and nutrition tips, and learn about recommended screenings for risk reduction and early detection.


Through the UBreathe coaching program, participants will learn the benefits of quitting smoking, set a ‘quit date’ and create a manageable ‘quit plan,’ establish a stress management plan, plan for and understand triggers, cravings, and withdrawal symptoms, and receive ongoing support. 


Through the UBody coaching program, participants will learn about the benefits of a healthy weight, evaluate current health risks, identify dietary habits and their relationship to food, engage in low-impact exercises, and set and meet manageable goals.


Through the UMove coaching program, participants will discover the benefits of being active through a personal fitness program, incorporate activity into the workday, learn the difference between low impact and high impact exercises, and prevent injury and maximize physical activity through stretching.


Through the UBeat coaching program, participants will understand their systolic/ diastolic numbers, receive dietary recommendations for preventing or managing hypertension and diabetes, follow the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, focus on healthy eating habits, increase physical fitness, and learn stress management techniques. 


Through the U&Yours coaching program, participants will gain valuable insight into raising all-around healthy children, participate in family-oriented activities, plan healthy meals, focus on nutrition, and be empowered by physical well-being tips.


Through the UThrive coaching program, participants will understand diabetes, gain practical tips to avoid risks of complications, receive physical activity suggestions and dietary recommendations for home and away, and manage medications and blood sugar levels. 


Through the UControl coaching program, participants will discuss age and gender appropriate preventive exams, learn how to implement healthy lifestyle changes, understand personal health risks, consider daily exercise, and make necessary dietary changes. 

2023 Coaching Stats


Satisfaction Rate


Quit Smoking
After the Program


Are Confident They’ll
Maintain Healthy Habits


Active Coaching

Coaching Programs

Health and wellness shouldn’t be complicated. Health coaching sessions keep it simple by providing an extra boost of nonjudgmental and confidential encouragement as you work towards balancing your physical, mental, emotional, and financial well-being. 

With advanced education, our National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaches follow an evidence-based approach by employing positive psychology, SMART goal setting, and other behavioral approaches to cultivate members’ self-confidence and self-efficacy. Coaches connect with members via email, phone, and video in English or Spanish. 


Through the UFit coaching program, participants will commit to an exercise routine, maximize physical activity alongside nutrition, learn about the benefits of taking ‘off days,’ learn how to move past an exercise plateau, and identify what may impact performance.


Through the UFuel coaching program, participants will build a healthy plate at home and away, strategically meal plan, learn about what nutrients to maximize and minimize, select healthy food choices to aid in workout recovery, and learn about nutrition tips to help manage health conditions.


Through the URest coaching program, participants will learn about the physical and emotional impact of chronic sleep loss, acquire skills to improve both the quantity and quality of sleep, create an optimal sleep schedule and bedtime routine, determine what foods to avoid prior to bedtime, and practice mindfulness to calm the mind. 


Through the UPlusOne coaching program, participants will learn the importance of prenatal screenings, gain nutritional tips for mom and baby, receive ongoing support for the expecting parent, maintain a regular exercise routine, navigate physical and emotional changes, and learn what to expect after childbirth. 


Through the UBalance coaching program, participants will learn about the physical and emotional impact of chronic stress, identify and manage triggers, engage in exercise and self-care, and practice mindfulness and deep breathing to calm the mind.


Through the UCents coaching program, participants will develop skills for effective budgeting, learn debt reduction tips, set short-term and long-term financial goals, and strategize future financial planning.


Through the UPrevent coaching program, participants will reduce the risk of different cancers through lifestyle changes, receive exercise recommendations and nutrition tips, and learn about recommended screenings for risk reduction and early detection.


Through the UBreathe coaching program, participants will learn the benefits of quitting smoking, set a ‘quit date’ and create a manageable ‘quit plan,’ establish a stress management plan, plan for and understand triggers, cravings, and withdrawal symptoms, and receive ongoing support. 


Through the UBody coaching program, participants will learn about the benefits of a healthy weight, evaluate current health risks, identify dietary habits and their relationship to food, engage in low-impact exercises, and set and meet manageable goals.


Through the UMove coaching program, participants will discover the benefits of being active through a personal fitness program, incorporate activity into the workday, learn the difference between low impact and high impact exercises, and prevent injury and maximize physical activity through stretching.


Through the UBeat coaching program, participants will understand their systolic/ diastolic numbers, receive dietary recommendations for preventing or managing hypertension and diabetes, follow the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, focus on healthy eating habits, increase physical fitness, and learn stress management techniques. 


Through the UThrive coaching program, participants will understand diabetes, gain practical tips to avoid risks of complications, receive physical activity suggestions and dietary recommendations for home and away, and manage medications and blood sugar levels. 


Through the U&Yours coaching program, participants will gain valuable insight into raising all-around healthy children, participate in family-oriented activities, plan healthy meals, focus on nutrition, and be empowered by physical well-being tips.


Through the UControl coaching program, participants will discuss age and gender appropriate preventive exams, learn how to implement healthy lifestyle changes, understand personal health risks, consider daily exercise, and make necessary dietary changes. 

2022 Coaching Stats


Satisfaction Rate


Quit Smoking
After the Program


Are Confident They’ll
Maintain Healthy Habits


Active Coaching

On-Site Health Coaching

Marquee Health provides tailored on-site health coaching designed to meet employees where they are. On-site health coaches provide the support needed to empower employees to take charge of their health and create long-term positive change.

Having a health coach on-site serves as the face of an organization’s wellness program, helping to increase employee engagement and encourage employees to live healthier, happier lives.

Watch this webinar to learn more about on-site health coaching and the positive impacts it can have on corporate wellness initiatives.